EverAlert Live Audio Paging

What if implementing live audio communications technology throughout your facility didn’t require installing a complicated paging system?

The EverAlert Communication System can now connect with your IP phone system to deliver voice announcements through DYNAMIC DISPLAY > and DYNAMIC VIEW > devices. Take advantage of all the other features of EverAlert, without the installation expense and hardware requirements of a standalone system.

  • Page to individual and user-defined groups of EverAlert devices
  • All-call paging capability
  • Uses your existing IP phone system
  • One annual fee
  • No paging controllers, amplifiers, speakers, or wiring required.

How it Works

An effective paging system requires the ability to easily contact the locations with which you need to communicate. EverAlert Live provides optimal flexibility by using session initiated protocol (SIP) technology. By assigning a phone extension to each of your EverAlert devices, you can page individual displays in the same way you’d make an internal phone call.
Adding a multicast server to your system allows you to page groups of devices or every device in your facility with a single call. Whether you need to contact a single classroom or page every office in your building at the same time, EverAlert Live is up to the task.

Don’t let sticker shock or long-term commitment concerns limit your ability to communicate.

EverAlert Live expands on the already extensive suite of communication features in the EverAlert platform, including:

  • Scheduled bells, text/audio messages, emergency drills and more
  • Instant text/audio messaging
  • Automated emergency messaging integrated with facility systems
  • Local weather conditions with alarms for severe weather

A standalone paging system can cost tens of thousands of dollars and adds more infrastructure to manage, while still only performing one task. EverAlert Live is simple to use, cost-effective, and efficient — the smart choice for adding live audio communications in your facility.

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